Fund comparison and benchmarking solutions for Asset Managers
Compare funds and benchmark your firm against your peers.
Differentiate your offering in a crowded marketplace
FE fundinfo’s fund benchmarking solutions give you direct visibility over your fund data and your competitor's data, giving you the freedom to conduct market and fund research, review your investment propositions and compare your ESG credentials.
Gain sector insights and conduct value assessments with FE Analytics, refresh bespoke reports with whole of market data at your fingertips in Microsoft Excel.
Benchmark & research funds
Access whole of market fund data, track competitor activity and communicate your value to investors. View how your funds are being represented, find out how advisers analyse and sort prospective investments, and learn how to present your funds in the best light using our research tools.
Wealth of data at your fingertips
The breadth and depth of our investment data, coupled with our approach to quality data management, sets us apart. Detailed information on our extensive range of fund data is at your fingertips through a single Microsoft Excel add-in.
Comprehensive data & document coverage
Access more than 300,000 investment instruments including Unit Trusts & OEICs, Investment Trusts, pension funds, ETFs, VCTs and original fund documentation including factsheets, annual reports, prospectuses and KIDs/KIIDs.
How we support you
FE Analytics
FE Analytics is the leading investment research and analysis tool key to the success of UK fund distribution through intermediaries and financial advisers.
- Fund research
- Portfolio design
- Competitor alerts
- Custom reporting
- Easy integration
FE Analytics FinXL
Discover whole of market fund data on onshore, offshore and international funds, as well as life, pensions, ETFs, investment trusts, equities and more - all easily accessible through a single Microsoft Excel add-in.
- In-depth fund analysis
- Intuitive interface
- Customise your reports
How we're enabling data accessibility and investor transparency
At FE fundinfo, we are committed to improving data accessibility and investor transparency. We do this through the provision of high-quality data through various channels, including our research and analysis tools that continue to play a pivotal role in the UK advisory and fund market, helping our clients communicate their value to their own customers.

Steve Mitchell
Head of Propositions at FE fundinfo